Sunday, July 5, 2009

Dreams #1

"Damn you CLEANER!!"

A fat lady sitting next to me, for some reason that I don't know, was shouting at me.

Where am I? I don't know for sure.
All I know was that I'm sitting in a car, a yellow cab probably. But I don't know where we are or where we're heading.

"That was a close one. Don't you think?"

"Sí. Exactamente. Yo no aviso que si no ver la marca."

Seems like the fat lady knew the driver well. I couldn't see his face but from his accent, I knew he's mexican or something.

"Do you know why your father gave you that name?"

I didn't answer her. I don't like talking to strangers.

"You're just the same as him. Maya. Exactly like him. Untraceable. He came at night and destroy the whole city by himself. A true warrior, they called him."

She sounds angry and upset. I don't know who she is talking about but it sounds like I heard this before.

"The first limpio."

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